The twins are now 7 months old as of August 20th! I can NOT believe 7 months have already passed! This time last year, I was a mess, thinking of EVERYTHING we had to do before Allison and Brooke got here. I was about to start my 12th year of teaching school, Claire was going to her first day of Primrose, and Junior was starting his first year as principal of Christie Elementary. Man what a year does!!! I am NOT starting school this year, Claire is going to Mother's Day Out at our church (thank GOD) and Junior will be starting his 2nd year of being the principal of a great school in Frisco ( his school got an exemplary rating this past year, FIRST time in the history of the school, I think it has EVERYTHING to do with the principal, I'm just saying....)
Here are some new stats on the girls.....
WE HAVE A CRAWLER!!! Brooke is out of control already. Today while I was getting dinner ready, enters Brooke to the kitchen, first time her little knees ever touch the kitchen floor. She also has 2 teeth! She is pulling up in her bed (which we were supposed to lower this weekend, but didn't get around to ) She says dadadada all the time. She LOVES to be in the mix of whatever everyone else is doing. She is still pretty little, about 15 pounds now, but moving ALL over the place. She is a hoot!
Allison is doing great too! She is a smiley girl! She LOVES her mother to no end....doesn't want me to leave the room or put her down. She isn't crawling, persay, but did army crawl this morning to get a bottle i laid on the floor!! I think we are about to have 2 crawlers on our hands.... Lord help me...Alli doesn't have any teeth yet, but is really working on one, or two! Alli HATES ALL veggies. She spits them ALL over the place at dinner every night. I have come to terms with it now, I just let her blow them all over me every night. Allison says hi now too!
Happy 7 months girls! I can't believe it! We love you very much!!!
Love it!!!! Love it!!!! Can't believe that 7 months are gone. Are you a little blue this morning since you are not going to school? Have a great day chasing Brooke and lugging Allison!!! Love, Aunt Sue
Awwww....I so just want to come and spend a day...I want to hold them and play with them...and get to KNOW them!!! Love ya, Jill!!!
love clare to watch me pleasure the twins then she gets her turn
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