I ventured to Henrietta for the first time with all three girls, by myself mind you, this weekend! It was a huge success. It literally took me three days to pack, and I think I only forget a few minor things! (I now have a running "what to pack list" on my computer. Genius huh?) The girls visited HHS, Davis Funeral Home, FUMC (twice: Jr. Delphian tea and church on Sunday), As Good As it Gets, Rolling Meadows, and good ole'Sikes Center Mall! We had lots of vistiors while we were home! It was so good to see all our friends so they could meet Allison and Brooke. (Sandy, I know you are reading this, it was so nice to see you and get even more tips from a grandmother of twins!)
It was also palm Sunday at church. It is custom for the youngest baby in the church to lead the palm parade, so Brooke and Allison did that duty! (Technically Brooke led because she was born one minute later than Alli). Mawmaw and Pop carried the girls and Claire walked in between. I must say I was a proud mother and I am pretty sure my parents were even more proud than me!
I love going home! Claire loves going to Henrietta! Now, Allison and Brooke love going too! I can't wait to go back to Clay County.

Brooke leading the palm parade

Mawmaw, Brooke, Pop, Allison, and Claire making their way through the palm procession!

Proud Grandparents!
Oh what a glorious day!!! The Lord has truly blessed our family!! I am so proud of you and your ABCs!!!
(And, Sandy I am so jealous that you got to love on my girls without me)
Sue, don't be jealous--you'll get your turn! All the girls were so adorable and the look on Connie and Billy's faces says it all.
I am soooo sad that I didn't know ya'll were in town! I would have definitely been stopping by for some sweet kisses!
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