The summer has officially begun in the Gonzales household! No real bedtimes, doesn't matter what time we get up, no real plans for the day! We love it! We have already done some really fun things. First and foremost, the twins spent their first night away from home! It went really well too! They stayed with Junior's mom, Mimi. AND, Claire stayed at Junior's grandmother's house on the same night, so we had NO kids for the first time in about 6 months. NICE!!! We also took all three girls to the Dallas World Aquarium on Friday. Claire loved it until she noticed all the kids that had colorful drinks, then she HAD to have one in order to stop whining. Thank you Mimi for getting Claire her blue drink. The twins did great at the aqaurium as well! They love to people watch! Now that Daddy is home all week and weekend, he is enjoying more time with his girls! We love the summer time!!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Summer time!!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
We are 5 months old
YEA! We are 5 months old!
Allison Ann
Brooke Elizabeth
Brooke doing the motor boat!
And, of course big sister had to be in a pic. too!
I can NOT believe the girls are already 5 months old! Sometimes it feels like just yesterday they were born, and other days I feel like I have been doing this for EVER!! THey have definitely devloped personalities(the first picture captures their personalities very well). Allison is VERY laid back and quiet. Even when she cries it is quiet. Brooke is LOUD all the time and loves attention (by that I mean she likes to be held)! They are both eating LOTS of cereal and soon we will start baby food. Brooke is "scooting" all over the place. She puts her face on the ground and gets her legs up under her. Then she is off! It won't be long until she is crawling! Allison isn't scooting just yet, but she is not far behind. They both love to make the motor boat sound, especially while I feed them cereal! It is so fun to watch them grow every day.
Happy Father's Day
Allison was too tired to join her sisters for a picture with Daddy!
Junior and 2 of his girls!
We had a great Father's Day this year! Claire and I made Junior breakfast in bed and then we were off to church. After church we headed over to Junior's parents house to swim and have lunch! Once we came home all the girls were pooped, see pics. I didn't get any pictures of all 3 girls with their dad, I waited to late in the day. Allison was too tired!
Happy Father's Day Junior!
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