The girls are now 4 months old as of the 20th! Lots has been going on, hence no blog entries lately! We started the girls on rice cereal. We really started it a few days before they turned 4 mos. due to the fact that Brooke's reflux is killing me! My good friend Laura told me to try cereal. It worked for her daugther Sam. Not so much for poor little Brooke. She does like it though ,even if she throws half of it up an hour after she eats it. Allison on the other hand is not that much of a fan. She cries the whole time I feed her.
Both girls can now turn over as well. They roll from back to front and front to back, so watch your step!!! Brooke is even rolling over in bed and sleeping on her tummy. We had to seperate the girls at night so they wouldn't roll on top of each other. The first night they slept apart, Brooke woke up every hour. She obviously missed her sistee! They are doing fine now though.
Our 4 mo. check up went very well too, in and out in about an hour (thanks to Mimi). Both girls are 24 1/4 inches long. Allison weighed 12.12 and Brooke weighed 12.4. Brooke still looks a lot smaller because her head is smaller!!
All is well in the Gonzales household. We are ready for summer break so our Daddy can play with us ALL day! Just think, it's kind of like I am going to have a part time employee now! YIPPEE!!!