I want another majita!!!!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Out to eat
Last night we ventured out to our favorite Mexican food restaurant, Los Charros, with all 3 girls. We had to time it just right (everything is about timing these days). We fed the girls at 6 and left for the restaurant promptly after! We eat at this restaurant at least once a week. They have the best fajitas in the world! We haven't gotten to go there to eat since the girls were born, so it was nice to see the familiar faces of the Los Charros staff again. We usually sit in the same spot, but last night when Junior walked in with 2 carseats and a toddler, they opted to sit us behind "the wall" where all the other people with small children were located! We had a great time and the twins slept through the whole meal! What a blessing. Claire did well too until it was time to leave and then she wanted another "majita"!!! We told her she could have ice cream since all the "majitas" were gone and that cleared up her frown pretty quickly!

I want another majita!!!!
I want another majita!!!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
One Month Old
I can't believe it, but the twins are now 1 month old!!! It has been a busy month, but such a fun one!
We had one of many firsts this week as well. Brooke and I spent Wed. night in the ER! I got really worried about her after she wouldn't wake up all day. I even gave her a bath to try and wake her up, no luck! So I finally called the peditrician and she receommended taking her to the ER just to be safe. Turns out she does have some sort of virus, but is doing much better! It was pretty scary at the time and of course Junior is out of town (bilingual convention in Austin). BIG thanks goes out to Mimi and Laura. Laura went with me and Brooke to the ER while Mimi stayed with Claire and Allison! It was weird only having one child in the car as I sped down the tollway!
One other cool thing the girls have started doing is snuggling up together at bed time. We were putting them in wedges to sleep, but they have figured out how to scoot down to the bottom of them so they can touch. I took the wedges out a few days ago so they could just be together, but I put them back in there last night due to Brooke's reflucts. They did no good, they were at the bottom of the bed again this morning all snuggled up! So cute!
We went to the ped. yesterday for out one month check up.
Allison weighed 8.2 and Brooke wieghed 7.10. They are both growing and thriving! Brooke has started taking Zantac for reflucts (we are used to this, Claire had the same thing). They are sleeping well and taking about 4 oz. of mommy milk at each feeding. I have started doing one formula bottle at night as well (to keep my sanity).
Happy one month birthday Allison and Brooke!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Sorry it's been so long, we've been a little BUSY....Announcing Allison Ann and Brooke Elizabeth!
I can't believe it has been a month since my last post, but our lives have been a bit nutty this past month. Our twin baby girls were born January 20, 2009! They are precious, healthy and the best babies on Earth!
Allison Ann was born at 8:03am. She weighed 6 lbs. 7 oz and was 19 inches long.
Brooke Elizabeth was born one minute later at 8:04 am. She weighed 5lbs. 11oz and was 18 3/4 inches long.
The delivery went very smoothly. There was about 15 people in the room. Each girl had 3 to 4 nurses attend to them right after they were born. I remember seeing them right when they were born, and then I was out! My dr. said, "Night, Night Jill,see you later."
After the girls were born, I got pretty sick. I had HELLP (hypertension, elevated liver, low plateletes) syndrome, which usually develops during pregnancy and the only cure is to deliver your baby. Well, I had already done that, so the cure for me was to have a blood platelet transfusion! It was kind of scary for a little bit, but I had pure faith in God and my doctor that I would be ok to take care of my precious family. Basically my BP went way up the night the girls were born (190/100). THe next morning they put me on magnesium to help with my bp and then they ran blood lab work. Your regular blood platelet count is supposed to be between 120 and 400. Mine was 18! My dr and the nurse first thought it was a mistake, so they ran it again and this time it was 16! Soooo, that is when they decided to give me the transfusion! We had to spend an extra day and half in the labor and delivery ward instead of going to the post pardum ward. Junior wasn't real happy about that b/c the bed in the LD room was horrible!!! Finally my liver levels came down and my platelets went up! I had soooo much blood drawn during those few days I am surprised I have any left! (for those of you who know me pretty well know that I don't do good with shots and blood, I am a passer outer!!)
All in all it was a great experience and our girls are here and HEALTHY! Praise the Lord!
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