Jennifer, Jill and the kids!
Claire and her cousin, the donkey!
Mamaw, Pop, Marshall, Claire and Audrey at the zoo!
We spent week 12 (last week of the first trimester, yea!!!) at Aunt Jenn and Aunt Gregg's house in Amarillo. Claire calls her Uncle Gregg, Aunt Gregg and we think it is cute so we don't correct her! We had lots of fun with Jenn, Gregg, Marshall, Audrey, Mamaw and Pop! We went shopping, eating out and we took a trip to the best free zoo in the world.
All in all, I am feeling pretty good. The day trip to the zoo had me a little tired, but I bounced back. According to my weekly update on the babies, they are the size of limes now. I can't wait until August 14th. We will have another sonogram on that date and hopefully we will know what are babies will be: boys, girls, or a boy and a girl!
We have started thinking about the twins room. Junior is thinking about building some shelves in the closet. Things like, where are 2 cribs going to fit in this little room, have started consuming my mind. I know we will figure it all out soon. If anyone has any helpful hints, send them our way!
Happy 12th week babies!